Thursday, January 23, 2014

Simple Solutions to Keep Your Nails Free of Fungus

Toenail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is irritating, painful and quite common. Our bodies normally host a number of bacteria and fungi, some are quite useful to the body, but some fungi can multiply quickly and form unwanted infections. We know it is winter and you cannot let your feet roam freely in the cold, but they cannot be forgotten as you hide them in your socks and slippers.

Luckily, toenail fungus infections are easily treated with nail restoration and you can wear your favorite flip flops with ease when spring and summer roll around. If you neglect to follow proper foot care habits regularly, you could develop another infection in the future.

Most podiatrists agree that your shoe selection may be the cause for your toenail fungal infections. To prevent further fungal infections, follow these tips to keep your feet infection-free.

Sanitize Your Shoes

While most people throw out all of their footwear, we simply recommend to sanitize your shoes. If your shoes are worn out, you can decide to toss them in the trash, but if your shoes are fairly new there are a number of affordable anti-fungal sprays and powders available at your local pharmacy. These will kill the existing bacteria and prevent re-infection.

Switch Your Footwear Regularly

We know that shoes are hard to come by, but wearing the same shoes every day can build up moisture from sweat, creating the perfect environment for fungus. If you have more than one pair of shoes, rotate your shoes every other day and allow them to completely dry before wearing them again.

Avoid Walking Barefoot

Many people suffer from recurrent infections through sharing towels, shoes and other floor surfaces. Walking barefoot is also a major cause for fungal infection, you can pick up someone elses spores, bacteria and germs from unsanitary environments. In addition, avoid walking without protective footwear in public areas such as the gym, swimming pools, rest rooms and showers. This will keep your feet germ free and prevent reinfection.

Keep Feet Dry

Most of us should know by now that fungus lives in moist environments, so keeping your feet dry is one of the best precautions you can take to eliminate nail fungus. After showering wipe your feet with a dry towel and take the time to dry between the toes. Once your toes are dry wear sweat-wicking socks. These socks are designed to soak up sweat from your feet and allow you to carry on about your day without worrying about excessive moisture.

Pamper Carefully

We all love taking time off from our day to get a pedicure, but the salon may be the cause for your recurring toenail infections. We suggest to choose a salon carefully. For example, a salon technician should not use tools that fall on the floor or reuse the same tools on other patrons without properly disinfecting them.

If you are at home managing your toenails carefully then be sure to cleanse and treat your nails properly. According to the American Podiatric Medical Association, a daily routine of cleansing may suppress mild infections, followed up with antifungal agents. However, even the best over-the-counter antifungal products may not prevent a fungal infection from returning.

Feel free to take control of toenail fungus infections, but if symptoms continue to occur then get your feet examined thoroughly from one of our podiatrists. You do not have to continue hiding your feet in your boots, call our office and schedule an appointment for nail restoration for toenail fungus.